About Us

Revolutionizing Force Sensing with Polymer Nanocomposites

At NanoSen, nestled in the innovative ecosystem of Chemnitz and rooted in the academic excellence of the Chemnitz University of Technology, we specialize in advancing the field of force sensing through our proprietary polymer nanocomposite materials.

Our mission is clear: to transform the industry by making high-performance force sensors accessible and adaptable for a myriad of applications.

Innovative Material, Scalable Solutions

Our core technology revolves around a unique polymer nanocomposite that sets a new standard for force sensing. With the ability to synthesize large mats in industrial quantities, we ensure each mat maintains homogeneous thickness and reproducible conductivity. This breakthrough in scalable production unlocks unprecedented possibilities for industries seeking reliable and efficient sensing solutions.

Customization at Its Core

The true strength of our sensors lies in their unparalleled flexibility. Designed to be highly customizable, they can be tailored to any shape and size simply by using standard mechanical tools. This adaptability makes our sensors a perfect fit for a wide range of applications, from wearables to industrial machinery, ensuring seamless integration into any product design.

Unmatched Customer Support

At NanoSen, we understand that innovation doesn’t stop at product delivery. Our dedicated customer support team is committed to providing comprehensive assistance, from initial concept to final integration and beyond. Whether you’re navigating the customization process or seeking advice on integration, we’re here every step of the way.

Join Us on the Journey

We invite you to explore the possibilities with NanoSen. Together, we can redefine the boundaries of force-sensing technology, creating solutions that are not only innovative but also inclusive and sustainable. Welcome to the future of force sensing.